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People&Careers - Dromont Group

People are our strategic asset.
We are a company of people.

Working at

We produce machines and systems, solutions and possibilities, made by people for people. What really makes us successful is our philosophy of personal commitment and development.

We live in a constantly evolving environment, highly impacted by digital transformation, changing skill requirements and acceleration. That’s why companies need to create a new learning culture and develop a vital development environment, to achieve better performance and career success.

We are curious about Engineering solutions and the development of knowledge. We are driven to find creative solutions to new challenges. As individuals and as a collective we seek to make the right choices and take accountability for our actions.

Job Opportunities

Make a difference at DromontGroup

We have several open positions.
For more details, please contact


We rely on the creativity and commitment of our team, placing great focus on people. Our desire is that colleagues wake up excited about their day in the field, in the factory or in the office. We are going to help you realise your full potential in a stimulating international environment, and in turn your input will create opportunities and development for others.

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The DromontGroup has an active program to work with students and educational establishments who are studying in the areas of Engineering, Engineering Design, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Material Handling.

A limited number of opportunities are available for students who are looking to enhance their course work with selected outplacements. The DromontGroup is able to provide an excellent working environment for those wishing to make a contribution and participate in development projects. In return the students will gain exposure and real time experience to this fast paced, highly innovative and fast growing company.

When such opportunities occur, they will be posted within the People and Positions area of our website with full contact details.

Employee Stories

What you can do at DromontGroup